

Semester projects

Spring semester 2025

Project 1: Scientific commissioning of the HPP telescope and new CMOS detector
Supervisor: Peter Pedersen |
Students: Max Hassdenteufel | ,
Tim Fessler |

Fall semester 2024

Project 1: Can Gaia astrometry confirm transiting planets?
Supervisor: Hugh Osborn |
Student: Bernhard Meyer |

Project 2: Bad pixel, good pixel, impact of defects on photometric performances
Supervisor: Peter Pedersen |
Student: Manish Prasad |

Project 3: Rain Cloud Detection for Observatory Automation
Supervisor: Peter Pedersen |
Student: Alex Korocencev |


Master projects

Spring semester 2025

Brainy vs. Binary: Exoplanet Discoveries with Humans and AI
Supervisor: Florian Lienhard |
Student: Bernhard Meyer |



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