News coverage on new paper by Didier Queloz and Peter P. Pedersen: "Detection of an Earth-sized exoplanet orbiting the nearby ultracool dwarf star SPECULOOS-3”

A group of astronomers, among which Didier Queloz and Peter P. Pedersen, have discovered a new Earth-sized exoplanet orbiting the red, ultra-cool dwarf star SPECULOOS-3. The planet was detected as it passed in front of its host star in a 17 h orbit and represents the second-smallest main sequence star found to host a transiting planet.

An artist’s concept of the exoplanet SPECULOOS-3 b orbiting its red dwarf star. The planet is as big around as Earth, while its star is slightly bigger than Jupiter – but much more massive. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
An artist’s concept of the exoplanet SPECULOOS-3 b orbiting its red dwarf star. Credit: NASA/JPL-CaltechAn artist’s concept of the exoplanet

Read the external page article published in The Guardian on the research.

Read the external page full paper on Nature Astronomy.

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